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Raising A Mathematician Training Program (RAM TP)

We scout and nurture young and promising talent in the field of Math and its allied areas.


Raising A Mathematician (RAM) Foundation is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to nurturing mathematical talent and creating a brighter future for students and thereby for India and the world. Through some comprehensive programs, the foundation provides students with the opportunities and resources they need to excel in mathematics and pursue rewarding careers. RAM acts as a bridge between students and opportunities.

Main page (1).png

News Article

"This Summer is all about Math"

The New Indian Express has covered a beautiful article about a unique and niche math camp - Epsilon India!

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  • We find young talent in Mathematics, Computer Science and Sciences, and nurture them through various residential as well as online training programs.

  • We provide quality Mathematics education below the school curriculum to students from any background. 

  • We foster geniuses and outliers through programs like Epsilon India which builds a community of highly abled students and their parents.

  • We train students who aspire for Mathematics and Informatics Olympiad.

  • We mobilise commitments from society at large to support the cause of imparting knowledge to the deserving. 

  • We spread the beauty of mathematics through various initiatives like Maths Circles.

  • We aim to support any nationwide initiative that aims to enhance or introduce Mathematical activities.

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Raising a Mathematician Foundation (RAM Foundation) is a Charitable Trust registered under the Bombay Trust Act. The primary focus is on school students, teachers and parents because these three are the pillars of a good educational system. The programs are conducted in the form of workshops, camps, seminars and webinars.

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Maths Circle Nagpur

MCN 2- Flyer (1).png

FMOTP Module 3

FMOTP - Module 3 (2).png

AG MNC 2024

AG MNC 2024 Flyer.png


The kids and the faculty have a blast during our summer camps and year-around online and offline sessions. A picture is worth a thousand words! Click to see our gallery.

Home: Gallery


RAM foundation is purely attributable to my diverse knowledge in various subjects from Economics to Epistemology, Physics to Philosophy and much more. It is merely impossible to share with you everything I learnt after the program through a message.

Sharuk, RAM TP 2020

Home: Testimonials


At Raising A Mathematician Foundation, we work passionately everyday to bring the joy and beauty of Mathematics to children across the country, irrespective of socio-economic backgrounds through our various initiatives. We rely on the support from foundations, generous individuals and organisations to expand our offerings and reach more children. Please contact us if your organisation would like to extend support. If you are an individual who is looking to donate, please click on the amount of your choice to Donate or enter any amount that you would like to contribute.

Click on Amount to Donate:


You may also do a direct money transfer to our Bank Account

Bank Account Details of RAM Foundation

A/c Name: Raising a Mathematician Foundation
Kotak Mahindra Bank
Savings account no.: 1311600347
Branch: Nehru road, Dombivli East
IFSC: KKBK0000628

All the donations are exempted under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act. Corporate Sponsorship or Corporate Social Responsibility donations are also welcome to support projects on Math education, supporting girl students in STEM and providing scholarships to students for pursuing Mathematics.

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